When we think about separation, we think about pain, anger, helplessness. But the end of a love relationship is also always the chance for a new beginning - the conscious decision to create a better future.
As a trained coach for the Conscious Uncoupling method, I am supporting people before, during and after the process of separation. I will help you to emerge from the crisis as peaceful and strong as possible. Additionally, this method will also help you save money from possible disputes that can come from settling matters with the help of lawyers.
This is how estranged couples stay friends.
Conscious Uncoupling was created by the American therapist and bestselling author, Katherine Woodward Thomas. Today, the international Conscious Uncoupling Network exists.
In just six weeks the program will help you to work through your experiences and will give you the mindset to get involved in a new (love) life. This method is specifically created for individuals who have been abandoned by their partners; however, couples with children can also benefit greatly from this method, teaching them how to interact in a respectful and generous way in the future, for the sake of themselves and their children.
Those who are ready to forgive the suffering caused by the partner and to embark on a common path of separation with good will and mutual respect, may well draw strength from this for a new love.
You will learn how to use the energies of difficult and negative emotions such as rage, hatred, fear and despair, and transform them from destructive impulses that only hurt yourself and others into constructive energies, allowing a positive change for your life.
You will get the support to let go of the feeling of victimization and shift your perspective to begin taking personal responsibility for your part in what happened. Together we will discover new skillsets to cultivate, so you can be confident that you will not repeat the same painful patterns again in the future.
You will identify and transform your core beliefs about love and romantic relationships, and connect them with a deeper truth of your own value. You will create a positive sense of self as someone who is safe, loved, valued and honored. Together we will identify new ways of relating to yourself, others and life that allow you to have happier, healthier relationships in the future.
At this point you will feel prepared to create a positive future for yourself and others involved in the separation. We will find a way to set a healthy intention for a new form of contact you will create with your former partner. Generative communication skills will allow you to safely navigate the new form of the relationship between the two of you.
You will be supported in making wise and life-affirming decisions, creating new, healthy structures that leave everyone involved feel empowered. You’re now ready for new experiences, and can return to live an emotionally healthier life. Furthermore I will help you to find cooperative and secure ways to care for your children, divide your property and navigate the legal process.
If you ask yourself one or more of the following questions, Conscious Uncoupling is a meaningful coaching for you.
If you see yourself in what you just read, please feel free to contact me at any time and we will arrange an initial introductory phone call. I look forward to meeting you!
info@uncoupling.eu+49 174 1640831